A Swingers Guide

If you’ve found this site whilst searching for swinging clubs or young swingers, but you’ve been put off by the tackiness and poor quality of other sites then you’re in the right place. Shushi Parties host some of the best and most exclusive swinging parties for the young, affluent, well-educated and sophisticated people on the scene.
Once you’ve experienced a Shushi Party you won’t want to go anywhere else!
We’ve taken the best bits from other swinging parties and merged them into one super-charged party that will leave you gasping for more!
If you’re new to the swinging scene and think it’s dominated by older couples and single men, think again! Shushi Parties is about being young, sexy and confident. Exploring sexual desires and fantasies with other similar people.
Don’t be fooled by the over abundance of sleazy sex clubs on the net. We offer something ultra modern and new for the Naughties generation of swingers.
To apply or buy tickets for our next party click here