Last Party – 05.05.24 – SOLD OUT

Buy Tickets Online
If you’ve sent in your application and been approved to come to Shushi Parties, you can purchase your ticket to our next party below.
Our next party is…To Be Announced:
Our last party was at 8pm on Bank Holiday Sunday 5th May 2024 in Leeds – SOLD OUT!
If you have been approved by our panel and wish to reserve your space at the next party, please select the kind of ticket you want by clicking on the drop down menu below and you’ll be taken to a secure page to fill out your details to make payment.
Once we’ve received your payment we will send you confirmation and closer to the time email you details of where the party will take place. Details of the venue must be held in strict confidence and never given out to anyone.
If you’ve not been approved to come to a Shushi Party yet, please apply as described HERE before purchasing your ticket. Unfortunately all tickets are non-refundable as we may have turned down someone for your place already.
Previous Party – Newcastle Upon Tyne

Our last Shushi Party was held in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
We had a fantastic two bed apartment just outside the city centre. With a real mix of couples and single females from all over the UK, it turned into a hugely fun night with everyone clicking and heading to the bedrooms early on. The party continued late into the night and everyone left with big smiles on their faces. If you wish to attend our next party – date to be announced and you’ve already been approved by our panel please CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets. If you haven’t yet been approved, please follow our application process HERE
Previous Party – Leeds

We all met up in a bar in a central Leeds hotel. It was one of our more intimate parties and everyone hit it off immediately. The guests were a great mix of couples from across the UK, but one thing they all had in common was that it was their first Shushi Party experience.
After a few glasses of bubbly, the atmosphere turned more naughty and pretty soon all the guests ended up in various states of undress in the bedroom.
At one point 4 girls took to the bed as their partners watched. The party carried on until the early hours of Sunday morning and everyone left with big smiles on their faces.
If you have been approved by our panel and wish to reserve your space at our next party, please select the kind of ticket you want by clicking on the drop down menu below and you’ll be taken to a secure page to fill out your details to make payment.
Once we’ve received your payment we will send you confirmation and email you details of where the party will take place. Details of the venue must be held in strict confidence and never given out to anyone.
If you’ve not been approved to come to a Shushi Party yet, please apply as described HERE before purchasing your ticket. Unfortunately all tickets are non-refundable as we may have turned down someone for your place already.
Featured in Cosmo

We were recently featured in an article for Cosmopolitan Magazine. The article was called “The Nosy Girl’s Guide to Sex Parties In The UK”. See the condensed online version of the article here. Nice to know we’ve hit the mainstream!
Also featured in the article are some of the other sex parties that happen across the UK. We seem to be the only classy one in the north as most are centred around London. We tend to have most parties around the Leeds and York area also hold them in London too.
Previous Party 21.02.15

One of our previous Shushi Parties was held in central Leeds at 9pm on Saturday 21 February 2015.
The party sold out in days of the tickets being released and was one of the best parties to date!
We had 10 couples and 5 single females attending. Most guests went for drinks in some of the swanky Leeds bars before heading over to the exclusive party venue a few minutes from the hustle and bustle of Leeds on a Saturday night. As they arrived, guests were greeted with a glass of bubbly and introduced to the other party-goers, pretty soon the conversation turned more naughty and it wasn’t long before two of the single females had started kissing and dragged another couple off into one of the bedrooms.
The other guests were pretty soon following their lead and shedding clothes as they all headed for the bedrooms. Once the party was properly underway, the bedrooms became a mass of tangled bodies and moans and groans. At one point there was a 5 girl orgy on one of the beds with several toys involved too!
Most guests stayed until the early hours and everyone left with big smiles on their faces. Another successful Shushi Party had by all!
Don’t worry we will be holding more parties later this year if you missed out. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for more info.
19.12.15 – Sexy Santa Party

Our Xmas party was held on
Saturday 19th December in Leeds.
The venue was a great apartment just on the edge of Leeds city centre. It kicked off around 8:30pm with lots of bubbly and white wine being sipped as the guests chatted. Pretty soon one of the female guests ended up sat blindfolded on a chair as 3 girls started to tease her. The girls’ partners soon joined in the action and the corner sofa became a tangle of bodies as everyone joined the party. At one point ice cubes were even being licked off various parts of the guests bodies!
The party was a mixture of new guests and some that had attended Shushi Parties before with people travelling from as far and wide as Preston, Birmingham and Wiltshire. Everyone seem to really click and there was a lot of laughter, including a game of Xmas pass-the-parcel from Santa’s sack, with some unusual sexy prizes that the guests could use that night – including edible underwear that was quickly put on and “eaten off”.
Most of the girls ended up wearing santa hats and not a lot else, one guest even donned an elf costume including bells and a hat. There was so much laughter we almost had to get Elf and Safety involved (sorry!).
The party carried on until the early hours of the morning before some everyone headed off full of Christmas spirit and wicked seasonal thoughts.
you wish to come to our next party and haven’t already been approved for Shushi Parties, please apply as described HERE.